
Wholesome Ventures

Frozen Food is not just about Convenience; it is also about NUTRITION.

Converse to the general belief that frozen foods may not be nutritious or tasty, but fact of the matter is that FROZEN FOOD is the best form of food preservation after fresh food. In fact, it can be sometimes even better than fresh foods, which travel long journey and may lose its nutrients between FARM to FORK. Of the various form of preservation, frozen form can retain the maximum nutrients, retains closest of the fresh form. It has the highest capability to retain the natural taste, aroma and flavor. When, it is so good, why not be part of that change agent in spreading happiness to mankind. That small spark is what we try to make a wild fire out of it.

“Freezing in essence is nature’s pause button, it maintains freshness, slows down enzymatic reactions, increases the time it takes anything to degrade.” – Prof Ronald Pegg, Food Science & Technology, University of Georgia.

Our mission is to migrate back people to kitchen by making cooking COOL, SIMPLE & WHOLESOME!